An Asheville Tourists outing is the perfect entertainment option for groups of all sizes. We deliver an evening of fun, fellowship, and first-class baseball.
Cost Breakdown:
$10/person - Reserve Seats
$12/person - Box Seats (A-B, P-S)
$14/person - Premium Box Seats (C-O)
$17/person - Press Row
$36/person - Bojangles Dugout Suite
Benefits of Group Tickets:
- Group discounts apply when ordering 20 or more tickets in the Reserve, Box, or Premium seats and 12 or more tickets in Press Row or Bojangles Dugout Suites
- Everyone in your group sits together
- Hear your group name announced on the public address system during the game
- Never-A-Wasted Ticket: any unused group ticket can be exchanged for another game
Want to make your group even bigger? Interested in a food for your guests? Check out the Mountain Time Suite, Ingles Picnic Pavilion & Wicked Weed Brewing Party Pavilion!